If you are completely love-wrecked and have hearts in your eyes and butterflies in your stomach at the thought of receiving chocolates and roses today, then please don't read any further. If all the above makes you feel nauseous, then Happy Anti-Valentine's Day to you! I have never celebrated or partaken in the heart-filled holiday that is the 14th of February. Don't get me wrong, I am certainly not a melancholy, all-black wearing, Nirvana/Coldplay listening, gloomy Goth Girl who has an evil vendetta against the heart-shaped world. I am simply against the commercialization of a pretty little thing they call L-O-V-E. 

Every year, come Valentine's Day, a romantic epidemic breaks out, where people (who can't even spell sentimental), spend hundreds of Rands on dozens of red roses, boxes of chocolates, teddy bears, balloons and corny cards, all in an overbearing shade of red. They plan romantic getaways, soppy surprises, fancy dinners, and on this love-licensed day, become the ideal, charming and chivalrous partner who says and does all the right things. One day where people have a valid excuse to live out their Notebook equivalent of a love story, without being made fun of. And what happens on the other 364 days of the year? Absolutely nothing. 

There shouldn't be just one day in a year that permits you to be an impassioned, affectionate swashbuckling soul. Sometimes the sweetest of gestures are most surprising and appreciated when you least expect it. Anti-Valentine's Day should happen just once a year, but the essence of Valentine's Day should be celebrated everyday. 

So Happy Unimaginative, Consumerist-Orientated and Entirely Arbitrary, Manipulative and Shallow Interpretation of Romance Day. 

(No, I did not write that message myself. I read it on a card)

You didn't think I'd leave you empty handed on Anti-Valentine's Day, did you? 
Here's my gift to you:

P.S I still haven't figured out why people buy the largest amount of red roses on the one day of the year when it's the most expensive. 
