The luxury Lifestyle blog (the home of luxury Lifestyle) presents America’s Most Expensive 2010 Cars to Insure.
Beyond the price tag, there’s maintenance and, of course, auto insurance. Luckily, has made a list of America’s most expensive 2010 cars to insure.
The list includes only 2010 models and is based on the average insurance for a 40-year-old male with a good driving record and a 12-mile commute. The policies surveyed include liability protection and uninsured motorist coverage. The prices set by the insurers are based not just on the cars themselves, but also on the driving habits of those most likely to own such a car.
They found that the least expensive 2010 car to insure is the Mazda Tribue i at $1,070.25 annually.
The most expensive 2010 car to insure is the 6-cylinder Porsche 911 Carrera GT2 2-door coupe. That’s no surprise, as this sort of luxury vehicle appeals to those who’d like to test the car’s top speed of over 200 mph. The price to insure this 500+ hp monster of a sports car averages at $2,943.78 annually.
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