The luxury Lifestyle blog (the home of luxury Lifestyle) presents Women Handbags – From Sacks to Clutches.

Women are known to be keen on stylish and fancy handbags along with beautiful shoes. They cannot resist to stylish pair of shoes and a handbag if they see the perfect match. And no age, no social status, habits or taste can do when these accessories are considered for the entire image. A handbag is the item, which is best to have in greater number. The more shoes and handbags a woman has for every particular occasion, the better is for her look.

The fashion critics suppose women’s handbags appeared as the alternative to lots of pockets in men’s clothes. There was no need to take on them personal belongings in the epoch of the Middle Ages but several coins, no matter copper, gold or silver they were. They used to have special small sacks which were attached to the band of the men’s clothing and women used to have on lace. Such sacks were in great demand till the epoch of Renaissance. Later Louis XIV, the King, who was known for his liking to fashionable clothing, had tailors make man's sleeveless jackets with pockets and all the court dandies replicated this detail of the wardrobe. Ladies went on carrying sacks experimenting making them bigger, decorated with embroidery and glass beads, and then consequently, the first women’s handbag was invented in the second half of the 17th century.

Marquise de Pompadour was the first woman who came with the idea to carry handbags to have all personal belongings as kerchiefs, cosmetics and other women’s things. Since then the handbag was called «pomp», certainly, and such handbags were made from velvet with dense laced flounce.

Till the time of 20th century women’s handbags were made exclusively from yard goods. Women acquired the challenge to hold rigid handbags made from natural skin and leatherette just after they were awarded the right to wear trousers and have their hair short.

There are special museums in every corner of the world that show evidence of ancient handbags of various styles. So, the museum of Victoria, the Queen of England, can boast with the widest collection of ancient handbags. The museum of handbags and purses is opened in Amsterdam with over three and a half thousand things to exhibit.

Today the handbag is treated as the detail of the women image and it is quite the same as the model of the car for men. 4th of October is the National Day of Handbags in Great Britain, by the way. And it is widely celebrated.

Some handbags launched by the reputed designers turned into the symbols of lavish style showing off the status and wealth.

Birkin handbag is on the top of the rating of luxury handbags named after the actress and singer Jane Birkin. It will take you around thirty thousand US dollars for this handbag made from natural calf, ostrich or alligator skin and the Fashion House Hermes is specialized to launch such Birkin handbags.

The brand Louis Vuitton, the largest Fashion House in France, launches handbags that are believed to be iconic in Europe. They differ is style and color, though the quality is blameless and classic style is preferred to others, though there may be some exclusions from time to time.

So, in 2009 the designers for Louis Vuitton offered something too fascinating and awkward at first sight- the handbag as patchwork made from fifteen 3D samples. That one was offered for $42 thousand USD.

The handbag made from the skin of the white pony by Fendi designers is available for twenty eight thousand Euros though it shows no signs of luxury or elegance that goes beyond of trivial standards.

Chanel House designers also excelled making the limited edition refined Diamond Forever Classic Tote in 2008 from the matte alligator skin incrusted with lots of diamonds. In spite of the fortune to pay for the handbag, that is two hundred and sixty thousand USD, the edition went out immediately, and every order was considered individually with partially since they wished their handbags owned by the elite only.

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