The luxury Lifestyle blog (the home of luxury Lifestyle) presents Apparatus Pedicure – Care For Smoothie Feet.

The apparatus pedicure has become one of the highly demanded procedures to care of feet and toes. The approach appeared over forty years ago in Germany to spread all over the world. The method of the apparatus pedicure allows caring of the feet skin and heal such problems as sole warts, ingrown nail, to remove corns and plantar callosity. Apparatus pedicure is the procedure to have toes done using special cutters and two motors. Based upon plenty of absolute advantages, the apparatus pedicure ensures safe and quality care of feet and the sole.

Advantages and disadvantages

The apparatus pedicure allows correct and safe handling of the horny spots and nail suface. This approach refers to the edge-unsurfaced kind of manicure when excess skin and cuticle are not cut off. This is good to prevent cuts, trauma the skin and, consequently, decrease therisk of infections. The procedure is done with the abrasive nozzles which are sterilized to minimize the risk of infecting.

The procedure to stem the feet is not necessary and, thus, such problems as fungous infections providing all disinfection measures are followed and abrasive nozzles are treated properly. The apparatus pedicure is healing when sole warts is the problem, as well as ingrown nails, which are very painful and disturbing. Corns are effectively removed with such a procedure.

The absolute advantage of the apparatus pedicure is its effectiveness and the possibility to care of the tight area. Application of softening creams allows removing only the horny layer without affecting the healthy skin. During the apparatus pedicure the massage is done on soles affecting the biologically active spots, thus, relaxing.

The major disadvantage of the apparatus pedicure is the high price which is based on the cost of the equipment, disinfectants and skin care products used during procedures. The other drawback of the procedure is that the result of the procedure with the neglected feet and sole is visible after several procedures.

Apparatus pedicure equipment

The apparatus pedicure procedure is made with the special equipment as the device with the powerful engine that ensures the high velocity of the abrasive nozzles of various sizes. The specially trained specialist picks up the size of adhesive nozzles individually to treat the surface of the foot as well as tight spots as toe tips, under-finger areas and the nail wall.

Procedure of apparatus pedicure

At the beginning of the procedure the professional treats the feet with disinfectant. Then the special smoothing cream is applied which affects the horny areas. Application of chemical substances to soften the dead epidermis protects from the infection transmission and does not affect the healthy skin.

After the horny spots are softened, the pedicurist executes the safe and nontraumatic procedure to remove the spots with the help of cutters of various sizes. Also the zones of the horniest area as corns and callus, plantar callosities are removed and the cracks on heels are also treated. Old corns are drilled out with the special nozzle not affecting the healthy tissues. To avoid having hangnails, the cuticle is not cut off but filed with the special cup.

After the feet skin is treated, the master trims the nail plates to make them look well-cared and prevent thickening to struggle with the ingrown nails. If and any customers want, after the major pedicure procedure special masks can be applied to feet to make additional peeling, moisturizing and nourishing of feet skin. Paraffin mask is very popular for feet, when the feet look beautiful and skin is even and smooth. Paraffin treatment is the best for very dry skin and this is the perfect procedure for winter period. Paraffin masks helps to keep moisture in the skin for a longer time, thus, forming the protective film. Several procedures of paraffin treatment will relieve from obnoxious feelings of dry and rough skin. Paraffin mask is also effective for removing fatigue and frailty of veins, to normalize sweat secretion and protection against fungal infections.

Apparatus pedicure and diabetic feet

Persons suffering from diabetes often have the pain and thermal sensitivity decrease in the feet zone. The classic pedicure with trimming procedures done at home is forbidden for those with diabetes mellitus since the skin can be injured and infection is developed. The apparatus pedicure affects the diabetes feet with the sparing therapy and allows having the well cared feet without adverse effect. 

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