My monthly musings...

  • Having five email address is becoming rather confusing. I have a personal one for friends, one for my blog, another for work/academic purposes, one for my online subscriptions and finally an archive address to which I forward all my important emails for storage. I'm afraid that one of these days I will mistakenly send my college assignments to all of my friends and absent-mindedly send a very scandalous email to a potential employer. 

  • I used to think that the bulletproof glass you find in banks is there for the safety of the bank tellers. After visiting the bank, I realized the the glass is actually a safety mechanism for the clients - it's there to protect them from being strangled by frustrated, irritated and infuriated bank employees. 

  • I was quite disappointed when Klaus was finally revealed on The Vampire Diaries this month. I was expecting someone more dashing, macho and evil looking. This Klaus character looks like he should be on a stage somewhere acting out Shakespeare's Twelfth Night as Duke Orsino

  • In Small Town, SA, the dry cleaners are a place where you send your delicate, non-washable clothes (such as a snow white fur-lined jacket) to be 'safely' cleaned. They will return it to you two and a half weeks later, dyed in a new ash grey colour, buttons missing and completely de-furred. And the revamping of your coat will cost you more than you originally paid for it. Small Towns, go figure.

  • I desperately need to find a waterproof mascara that actually is waterproof. All the tubes I currently own and use have a special talent of making me look like Kung Fu Panda by the end of the night.

  • I always mock the soapie The Bold and the Beautiful, because since it began, the same circle of 5 characters have hooked up, broken up, made up, swapped partners, snatched spouses, sabotaged relationships, cheated on each other with each other then got back together again. Then someone pointed out to me that Gossip Girl is the exact same thing, with better clothes. Sad but true. I will not be making fun of the B&B anymore.

  • If your car doesn't start after putting in the key and trying to turn it 500 times, you should check if you've actually got the right key. It will save you from a whole lot of anxiety and well wasted time ;p

  • We all know that too much sun is bad for you, so I did my best not to get 'too much'. Turns out this is equally as bad for you, because I now have what is nicknamed 'Vampire Syndrome', which is just a cool name for Vitamin D deficiency. No wonder I was being mistaken for a Cullen sister.

  • The audition phase of SA Idols is sadly over, but you can still get some comedy relief from the Wooden Mic auditions and also enjoy the best of SA's talent here
