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Natural Cosmetics From Around The World
By webmaster on June 14, 2011

We tend to think stereotypically. Many girls believe that Mediterranean beauty from head to toe coated with olive oil, Japanese – Algae And German women wash their hair only beer (see “Beauty habits of different countries”). Those, in turn, is likely to believe that Russian women for its beauty must peeling from buckwheat and baths with soup (see “Russian beauty through the eyes of foreign”). In fact, of course, nonsense. Is not always popular beauty recipes based on the popular local products. Scratch on foreign forums and inquiring friends, I have collected these beauty secrets from around the world.


“We are obsessed with enzymes and fruit acids – Gallagli says Shannon, a consultant of the Paris office Carita, – and prefer to put their skin in its pure form. But do not bother with complicated recipes. Often use a purely French ingredients: thermal water, olive and grass, of course, adore physiotherapy”.


200 grams of red grapes with seeds mash up porridge state. Apply it on your cleansed face, make easy massage, Then wash good mineral water. This peel exfoliates the top layer of fine epidermis.

Grind in a blender a handful of cherries (of course, only the flesh) and the whole pomegranate seeds. Add a tablespoon of yogurt, Put on your skin. After 15 minutes, rinse. This mask instantly refreshes the complexion.

Brew with boiling water a tablespoon of lavender, rosemary seeds and rose petals. Cool, then pour into a bottle with a spray. This tonic can be used during the working day: it’s great moisturizes and soothes the skin.


“The Spanish girls are not very choosy in selecting Cosmetics- Says Juan Blanco beautician of Segovia. – For them the main thing – cheap, but because natural remedies much in vogue. Chief fetish Spanish girls – beautiful hair And almost every family has the recipe for a mask Hair”.


Brew with boiling water 500 g of cranberries (you can get frozen). Strain, pour the broth into the bottle, and the pulp mixed with lemon juice and olive oil. Wash your hair with shampoo, then spread the cranberries on the hair. Wash off after ten minutes and rinse hair with broth. “Please note, this recipe is only suitable for brunettes – warns Blanco. – Its effect is that after the procedure, the hair is beautiful fade in the sun, if you did weave a good salon.


Sauna – The most important part of Scandinavian culture of beauty, – explains Peter Strand, make-up artist from Stockholm. – Nearly all women regularly steamed and take with them the natural means. Swedish women prefer cosmetics that really work: for example, only a very stringent scrubs for the body. ”


Mix a handful of stone salt, A half cup of olive oil and two or three drops of eucalyptus oil. Pre-switch in the bathroom hot water to it was filled with steam. Then apply on the skin scrub and massage your entire body thoroughly. Rinse with cold water. If to do this regularly, the skin noticeably smoothed.

Brew two or three tablespoons good white tea, mineral (!) Water. Pour the mixture into molds for ice cubes and then use to massage the face and decollete. In order to refresh the complexion, and “open” the sleepy eyes, Swedish 15-20 consecutive rinse face with cool mineral water. It is necessary to take note.


“Australia – a key producer and the main hope of the market of organic cosmetics – said Napoleon Purdys, a dermatologist from Sydney. – We are all just crazy about environmental impact and naturalness. Even buying a factory facility, such as a cream, add the Australian essential oil. ”


Add to your shampoo to two drops of tea tree oil, eucalyptus and rosemary. It would be awesome refreshing, and most importantly, to fight dandruff.

Brew cup of boiling water mil foil flowers. Then cool and use as a tonic for oily skin and compresses against stretch marks. Yarrow – a cosmetic hit Australia’s Indigenous people: he has powerful anti-inflammatory and regenerating action. And Australians are actively using emu oil, but this we do not approve and adopt will not: sorry for the birds (see “The cream of the ostrich”).

Dominican Republic

“When one becomes acquainted with the Dominican woman pay attention to her nails- Advises Shalini Vadhera, author of Passport to Beauty. – One hundred percent that they will be tremendously strong, long and beautiful. Secret – in an unusual and a bit extreme … use of garlic.


Non-standard way as follows: Finely chop three or four cloves of garlic and put into a vial with a transparent varnish. After seven to ten days, this unbearably smelly mixture should be applied on nails and wash in a week. That sounds scary, but the garlic really speeds up the regeneration of tissues.


“Asians are obsessed with super active ingredients: hydroponic acid, collagen, and fatty acids – says Vadhera. – And why use them in pure form in large numbers. ”


Instead, body lotions, use oil Camellia japonica, or buck thorn. They are hard to get (occasionally are imported into an online store, but the effort is worth it: these oils are terrific moisturize skin, prevent stretch marks and accelerate the regeneration of tissues. Of them can do the warm mask to the scalp to get rid of the itching and flaking. In addition, I strongly advise to buy a ready Japanese or Chinese tonic with hyaluronic acid and replace the thermal water to the face.

Middle East

“Every Arab girl knows dozens recipes cosmetics and use them every day – says Zeinab Lahore, author of the site Radio Islam. – This is largely due to Islamic culture: Many women spend the day at home and to spend time, invite friends and arrange a spa. ”


Mix one egg yolk, a teaspoon of orange juice and olive oil, three or four drops of rose water and lemon juice. Use as a lotion for cleansing of face: Apply the mixture gently massage your skin, then wipe with a towel soaked in lukewarm water.

Mix in a blender, a glass of milk and half a cup of fennel seeds. Cool, pour into a bottle and wipe the face daily with this mixture. It is great to soothe and refresh skin.

Chop a handful of grated almonds, two tablespoons of milk, a teaspoon of flour and honey. Use a paste as a mild facial scrub: it does not traumatize the skin and gently exfoliates.

In addition, the Eastern women believe in the miraculous power of castor oil against pigmentation spots, as well as the crushed leaves of mint and basil from acne. They need to put a point on the problem areas during the month: Many generations of Arab beauties contend that a person is completely cleared. I seriously plan to try.

And some of these recipes are interested in you?

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