The luxury Lifestyle blog (the home of luxury Lifestyle) presentsMetabolic Balance.

Jennifer Aniston and Kate Winslet put on individual dietary practices. We reveal five tips to help you get lean and fit well through the summer.

A tight body and great curves show no matter of age as Jennifer Aniston and Kate Winslet. The two Hollywood actresses keep slim using individual nutrition. Based on this principle, the metabolic balance method.

“Only with a diet that is tailored to the needs of the body, remove it from permanently and without the yo-yo effect,” said Nicolai Rolli. The health coach who, among other things Kai Noll alias worked Rufus storm from the series “Between us”, specializes in its “Health department” in Cologne on metabolic balance.

The diet
In fact, it is in metabolic balance more of a change in diet as a diet in the traditional sense. The method is based on a blood test that reflects the current metabolic exactly. adapted to an individual eating plan for the four phases is created.

Of very strict rules and a very limited food choices in the starting phase is slowly towards the wide range of products. On the table at the three meals a day are, for example, proteins, fruits and vegetables. “Overall, it is important to keep insulin and blood sugar levels low, so as to bring into balance the metabolism,” said Rolli.

Important: Between the meals should always be at least five hours to allow use of the fat can.

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