The luxury Lifestyle blog (the home of luxury Lifestyle) presents Beauty Rol-On Deodorants – The One in Need.

The Earth is habited with over four billion of humans and every single one has their own specific scent of physiology. The physiological odor is the scent of the human secretion but not the odor from strong sweating. The scientists proved the fact that the human sweat has nothing to do with the freshness of ambient air. The microbes matter the biological activity of which brings to creation of strong odors to some extent. To struggle with odors, whatever they are created by, the deodorants have been produced to come as spray, stick deodoro and roll-on deodorants.

Sweat-struggling agent was first mentioned in Ancient Egypt. The scrip of beauty employed by the beautiful legendary Cleopatra had the recipe against sweating. The sweating person was recommended to take a bath and rub aroma oils into arm-pit areas. The collection revealed the first recipe of anti-perspiring agent made from citric fruits and cinnamon. The Egyptian papyrus was the first documents to mention the procedure of epilation as the approach to make the odor weaker. As the legend tells, the beauty Nefertiti, the Great royal Wife, used the composition made from aroma essences to prevent the physiological aroma along with the piece of red clay rubbed into the mixture. Men and women in Ancient Rome used to carry bags filled in with various aroma substances placed in armpits.

Later on the struggle with sweating was postponed sine robbing of human odor was like a sin. The idea came from the aggressive wars from the East when the perfume was brought from there. In the soonest time all the European courts smelled with the detonating mixture of sweat and perfume. And only in the end of the 19th century the invention was opened that the odor was created because of the bacteria vital activity in the armpits.

In 1888 deodorant was invented, one of the genius inventions of the humankind. The name of the American was not kept in history to remember that is still demanded in the 21st century. The first deodorant was first manufactured as the cream which was rubbed in fingers in areas of sweating to name Mum. To the early 20th century that was the only method to remove the odor for a couple of hours. In 1931 the Mum Company penetrated Europe with the new invention to stay dry forever, namely the perfumed deodorant.

In the end of 40s of 20th century the manufacturers of the most popular product came with the thought to improve the pack of their product which was quite uncomfortable to apply since hands should have been washed off after. So, in 1952 the first roll-on deodorant was manufactured, that invention was resulted in invention of the roll-on pen in 1938 by BíróLászló József. And that is the same mechanism we use today. In 21st century the roll-on deodorants keep the leading positions among the body fresheners of the world.

The advantages of the roll-on packages is the immediate removal of odor; quick stop of sweating; easy application, availability off additional features when deodorants nourish, moisturize and rejuvenate the skin. The disadvantage of this pack includes the ambiguity of the influence on human health since such substances as paraben and aluminum salts are used as components. The point is that according to the statistics the results of the research held with people who actively use deodorants, the risk of malignant tumor occurrence is likely. The specialist state that regular use of deodorants brings to clogging the pores of the skin which then block the glandulae sudoriferae. And yet, the toxins, waste and salts are extracted from the organism. The deodorants fall into the categories that differ in regards to gender. Roll-on deodorants for men are more concentrated with sharp scent packed in more aggressive packing.

The deodorants for women are less concentrated with the subtle scent in feminine bottles. The deodorants are also divided into those for people with sensitive skin, for active life, for sportsmen. As for the components they come with spirit, alcohol-free, with deodorants only, with agents to hide the odor and anti-perspiration agents that reduce sweating process. 

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