7 days, 70 guests, 2 birthdays, 1 party. This weekend proved that it is possible to plan a party in just one week. In Small Town, SA, we have no event planners or decor hire, nowhere to buy party clothes or birthday gifts and no available venues. When two of my close friends decided to throw a combined 21st/18th birthday party, no one thought it could be done within the time limit. We couldn't find a venue that was not falling apart, booked out or overpriced in such a short time. After much searching, pleading and negotiating, we managed to book a venue that included a roof, tables and some chairs. Everything else had to be done ourselves. 

In a whirlwind of a week, we organized everything from invitations, decor, music, menu, food, drinks and all the little trimmings that take an event from drab to fab. There were many nerve-racking are-we-going-to-get-this-done-on-time moments but, with the help of friends and family, all the party plans finally fell into place. We transformed the dreary venue with dazzling decor in black and red. Buffet tables were deliciously lined with braai favourites, delightful drinks, mouth-watering desserts, cookies and cakes. After far too much good food, the band of bewildered DJ's set up their decks (aka a Hi-Fi and computer) and tried to get the crowd to liven up a bit. This was actually more of a mission than planning the entire party, as no one likes to stand out in a crowd. Luckily, the Birthday Girls stepped in and set a spark to the dancefloor, and others slowly started to ease up and join in. The rest just turned their seats towards us, hoping to catch some free entertainment in the modern-day Small Town version of Saturday Night Fever. As they say, if you can't beat them, join them. If you can't join them, pull up a chair and stare.

Party Round-Up:

Theme song of the night: Only Girl In The World by Rihanna

Best dressed: The Birthday Girls of course!

Most delicious: Creamy coffee marble cheesecake

Most surprising: Seeing people you'd never expect busting their moves on the floor.

Most awkward moment: A bar-style brawl breaking out over some mindless miscommunication and attention seeking.

Most annoying: The unpaid paparazzi capturing our every move on film.

Worst decision: Wearing high heels. Our feet were aching after just 10 minutes in.

Best decision: Kicking off the high heels and walking barefoot.

Worst revelation: Realizing that walking barefoot was not such a good idea, as the carpet was covered in all sorts of unidentifiable gross and sticky things. My galpal Ms Mocha advised us to wash our feet with Dettol & Domestos when we got home, to prevent any infection.

Best line of the night: Don't talk to me, talk to my Blackberry.

I am happy to report that the party was a huge success. The night was lit up with some much needed excitement, fun & laughter with the presence of great company. I would like to say that we partied until the sun came up...but we only had the venue until midnight. A minute after that, and any Small Town Cinderella may turn into a pumpkin ;) Oh yeah, and the security guard would've had to chase us out.
