What an exciting way to start the week. I was presented with the 'One Lovely Blog Award', by the very sweet Aurelia, from the blog, Discovering La Campagne. Thank you for this 'lovely' honour. I've seen this series floating around the blogosphere for a while now and I'm delighted to be a part of it. It aims to applaud all the wonderful bloggers out there.

The Rules Are:

1. Mention and link back the blogger that nominated you.
2. Copy and paste the logo below onto your blog.
2. Write down 7 random facts about yourself.
3. Award 15 other great bloggers and notify them about it.

7 Random Things About Me

1. All the coffee in Columbia will not make me a morning person.
2. I didn't know I wanted to study Journalism until I accidentally walked into the wrong lecture hall on my first day of campus. I was so captivated by what I heard, that I decided to stay...for the next three years.
3. I absolutely hate dots. With a passion.
4. The meaning of my name is 'Storyteller'. It is a mere coincidence that this ties in with my career choice at point Nr 2.
5. I am a semi-vegetarian with a weakness for carbs. I could survive solely on pasta.
6. The most fascinating cities I've been to are New York, Las Vegas, Beirut and Istanbul.
7. One way to torment me is to take me to the beach. Sea sand and I are sworn enemies.

My Picks for 'One Lovely Blog Award'

I hope each of these amazing bloggers will continue with this awards series, and "Make the circle bigger," as we South Africans would say  ;)
