The luxury Lifestyle blog (the home of luxury Lifestyle) presents The Everyday Leica.

The newest addition to Leica’s camera lineup, the V-Lux 30, may not offer all the fit and finish of the venerable German manufacturer’s highly sought-after M9 Titanium. It does, however, make capturing professional-quality digital photos and video footage a cinch for the everyday photographer.

The successor to the V-Lux 20, this new point-and-shoot model increases magnification power from 12 times to 16 times optical zoom, and ups the effective megapixel count from 12.1 to 14.1. The V-Lux 30, which is equipped with a 3-inch touchscreen image display, also gives users the ability to capture photos in 3-D if so desired, as well as video in 1080i high definition (versus the 720p resolution of the V-Lux 20). Integrated with a GPS function that works in conjunction with such social networks and map services as Facebook and Google Maps, the camera is able to identify 1 million global points of interest when capturing photos on the go. The V-Lux 30 just began shipping for a price of $749. (

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