The luxury Lifestyle blog (the home of luxury Lifestyle) presents Seasonal Food of May.

In May, I made salad of snow peas and a delicious sauce to the radish salmon steaks. A cutlets with herbs in almond applauded by the guests that keep low-carbohydrate diet.

Chicken cutlets with herbs in almond

Soon the summer, many of my colleagues are preparing for the beach season – switched to low-carbohydrate diet (see “Diet on glycerin index”). Green light for Vegetables Meat, Dairy products and nuts (Examples of low-crab menu). Inviting them to visit, I wondered: what would such a delicious cook out “allowed” ingredients. Tender chicken cutlets with herbs in the May almond – what we need.

Took: 800 g minced chicken, 5-6 leaves of basil, 9 Art. l. oatmeal, 150 ml cream, 3 cloves garlic, 2 handfuls of fresh spinach, 2 tbsp. l. cottage cheese, Almond, vegetable oil, salt and pepper to taste.

Course of action :peeled and coarsely chopped garlic. In food processor, put the chicken mince, basil, oatmeal, garlic and cream. Salt and pepper. Scrolled. Washed and chopped spinach. Heated 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil in a frying pan and added spinach. Stir until the liquid has evaporated. Removed from the fire and mixed with cream cheese. Salt and pepper. Poured onto a plate almond. Wet hands shaped oblong patties of minced meat, from spinach mixture. Roll in almond. Heated vegetable oil over medium heat. Portions of fried cutlets on both sides. Reduce heat and brought up to readiness. Served with a salad of fresh vegetables.

Salad of snow peas with a sauce of parsley

In almost a summer evening dinner like a light. Made a spring green salad with potatoes and snow peas. Tucked his version of pesto – sauce of parsley, garlic, pine nuts and parmesan. Ate the whole pan and demanded more.

Took: 7 medium potatoes, 5 tablespoons. l. olive oil, 250 grams snow peas, 50 grams pine nuts, 2 cups of chopped parsley, 3 cloves garlic, 5-6 Art. l. grated cheese (ideally – Parmesan), salt and pepper to taste.

Course of action: boiled potatoes in their skins. Merged water, Drain and leave to cool. Chili beans washed and cut diagonally. Aside. Heated frying pan and fry the pine nuts. Oil is not added. Washed and chopped parsley. Peel and coarsely chopped garlic. Grated Parmesan cheese.

Put in a blender, parsley, garlic, parmesan and pine nuts. Poured olive oil. Salt, pepper, scroll down. Heated 1-2 tbsp. l. olive oil in a frying pan – pesto of parsley ready. Added peas and cook, stirring, over medium heat for five minutes. Peel and coarsely chopped potatoes. Added to her peas, stir and tucked the sauce of parsley and mix again. Done.

Salmon steaks with a sauce of radishes

Steak Salmon with a simple and very spring radish sauce, green onions and capers – a great lunch (videoretsepty healthy dinners in 20 minutes) In sunny and warm day in May.

Took: 5 salmon steaks, 6 small radishes, 2 stalks green onions, 1 tbsp. l. capers (can be replaced by pickled cucumber), 2 slices of lemon, 200 ml cream (or yogurt), 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, salt and pepper to taste.

Finely chop the capers. All mixed in a bowl. Add the sour cream, squeeze slice of lemon and stir. Add salt and pepper and then stir. (If a thick, add 1 tbsp. L. Water.) Salmon steaks salt and pepper and squeeze the lemon wedge. Left for 10 minutes. Heated vegetable oil and fried steaks over medium heat. Filed with the sauce. Bon Appetite!

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