• It is said that many inventions are created by accident. If this is true, I have 'invented' the coffee scented handbag, by accidentally dropping an entire cup of expresso across a table and onto my LV Bellevue handbag. The bag is slightly ruined but it does smell delicious.

  • I don't get why some people use sweeteners instead of sugar in their drinks to 'cut calories' - but then have a giant slice of chocolate ganache cake with their tea or coffee. What is the logic behind this?

  • My neighbour seems to moonlights as a DJ, blaring Kurt Darren, Katy Perry, Roxette and Tiesto from his professionally loud stereo. He hosts rowdy parties every Monday to Thursday. It must be a Small Town thing - drunken partying on work nights and peaceful, sobered up weekends.

  • I don't have a sweet tooth, but after hearing great reviews about the Lindt Chocolate Brownies at Melrose Arch, my BFF and I decided to try it out. We were served three huge pieces of stale dry brownies, smothered in a warm dark chocolate sauce, served with a scoop of not-so-nice vanilla ice-cream. I could only endure one spoonful, it was ridiculously rich to the point of nausea. My chocolate quota for the year is up.

  • The creator of The Vampire Diaries, L.J Smith, has written her last book in this popular series, called 'The Return - Midnight'. This is the final installment in The Return trilogy. Expect an extremely interesting twist for Damon and a hellish rescue mission for Elena and Stephan. Buy your copy online from Amazon.

  • I really need to learn the art of using chopsticks properly. People are starting to stare (not in a good way) at my misuse of these ancient Chinese utensils.

  • Whoever said that women are the best multi-taskers has not met me yet. I can't type and talk at the same time. I can barely even walk and talk at the same, in fear of striding straight into a lamppost. 

  • If your mascara dries out, the last thing you should do is try to melt it in the microwave. (I know, I should have known better, but I did it anyway). It will explode and you will have to buy a new tube of Maybelline and a new microwave.

  • Your true friends will gladly spend 75 cents to send you an sms and won't pressurize you to buy a Blackberry just so that they can chat to you for free. Yup, I am still on my Anti-BB Campaign.

  • If you live in KZN, you can read my interview in the April issue of Get It magazine. This is a great community based publication featuring best fashion and beauty buys, décor and recipe ideas, interesting personalities and exciting places to visit. I would like to thank the magazine editor, Rachel Thomas for taking the time to drive up and meet with me and Danica for taking the photographs.
