You're getting married this year--now there's something to toast to! We all know planning a wedding can be stressful, so make resolutions to help make your lives a little easier.

Here's a great list from Naomi Gladen.

Resolve not to do all the wedding planning. Brides seem to get stuck with all the phone calls and trips to the flower shop and all of those other tasks. You don't have time for that, girl! Make sure your fiance understands that this is both of your responsibility. And don't' be afraid to delegate. Hire a wedding planner will help tremendously.
Create a wedding planning schedule (if schedules don't make you crazy). If you're the kind of person who works better with detailed to-do lists, then make yourself one, complete with deadlines, and resolve to stick to your schedule. However, if to-do lists make your feel more stressed out instead of less, this might not be the best strategy.